a Cheap Holiday

Cheap Holiday

Welcome to a cheap holiday in my life. At least you get to go home at the end of the day!

Tuesday, December 25, 2001

Apologies for the lack of updates. I stayed at Princess' house for a couple of days and she's an iron-clad Luddite when it comes to my online life. In her view, I'm an e-junkie in need of rehab. Personally, I've known people who spend far more time online, but I can't convince her of that.

Speaking of the online life, I came across the gorgeous boy who stood me up last weekend on instant messaging. After refraining from messaging him for about 15 minutes, I then sent him a cutey-pie emoticon, which apparently wrenched open a floodgate of guilt in the poor lad. After much apologizing, he asked what he could do to make up his malfeasance to me.

My suggestion? "Creative groveling and bribery is always considered."

And by God, he certainly gave it the old college try. He needs some work, but hey, don't we all? I think I'm just the girl to provide him the guidance he so obviously requires. Lucky boy!


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